Monday, May 24, 2010

Now that you're an athlete...

I was at diva night at a local running store on thursday. I went for the giveaways and free food (and wine). Had a really good time even though I didn't win anything. I was talking to the owner and picking his brain about why I had callouses forming in weird places. If anyone cares my callouses are forming on my metatarsals between the big and 2nd toe. I would expect a callous on my big toe but not between those too. I figured my stride was weird or my shoes were ill fitting. So this nice man and I tried to problem solve it. He said the strangest thing when not being able to answer my medical malady. He said (and not with a hint of sarcasm or wry smile) He said...Well now that you are an athlete you can expect weird aches and pains.

He went on to talk about intensity of work outs and such and I drifted off into this weird world that would ever describe me as an athlete. Excuse me? An athlete is not someone who fears the stores employee may think I'm lost and point out that the weight watchers meeting is the next shopping center over. So I took my athletic mind with me to happy hour with my girlfriends. Over buffalo wings, onion rings, cheese sticks, garlic fries, hummus (a healthy option)and blue cheese chips washed down with 1 or 2 beers I pondered this concept of me an athlete. Don't judge...there were 4 of us and I'd only been labeled an athlete for 15 minutes. Yes...It occured to me that athletes don't eat or drink like this. So for the last 3 days I've asked myself, is this what an athlete would eat? 90 percent of the time the answer is no. So I have room to grow thank goodness.

On a spiritual note I found myself asking God to join me on my long run this weekend. I find it fun to look up scriptures with the chap. and verse being 26.2. Isaiah 26.2 says" Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter..the nation that keeps faith" Psalm 26.2 " Test me oh Lord and try me. Examine my heart and mind. For your love is ever before me and I will walk continually in your truth". Walking continually felt about right. Memorizing scripture was a great diversion and God is a spectacular companion. He showered me with seattle rain at mile 6 and gave me hope at mile 8. I keep thinking that this will get easier...Not quite. But for the first time since starting this journey I actually think that I can do this. You that I'm an athlete and all :)

1 comment:

  1. Of course you are an athlete! You knew how to really whack the softball! Right?

    Anyone who can run for even one mile straight is an athlete to me.

    I am NOT that person.

    Love your blog Karen.
    I miss you!
