Sunday, June 20, 2010

I've been dragging the last couple weeks. I've taken a few too many days off. I run a minimum of 2 days a week but should be running 5. This was reiterated as I tried to complete 12 miles on Monday. Again at mile 6 I was miserable. What is it about mile 6? Always at mile 6 I question my sanity and my body questions its own ability to propel my mass another step. So, luckily we turned around at mile 6 and retreated back the way we came. At mile 8 I started limping and continued that for the remaining 4 miles.

At the parking lot as we stretched I overheard 2 men talking about God. They were bike riders and had passed us a couple times on the trail. By the way... i get so jealous of bike riders. They have a seat! It looks so comfortable, so cushy, so easy...anyhoo. One guy said "I'm not the type to go on a mission trip. It makes me really uncomfortable" The other guy said "Maybe that's just the reason you SHOULD do something like that" There may be some amazing and poignant thought regarding their conversation and it may occur to me later but mostly I was intrigued at how they talked to each other. They were obviously acquaintances and not close friends because they were so nice to each other. They weren't farting or razzing each other and they were very politely talking about their churches and their bible studies. (see sidebar for brilliant segue into kid section) I wanted to stay for a while but my eavesdropping was quickly becoming stalking so I retreated. I don't know why but I'll probably remember mile 12 as my jealousy of Christian cyclists.

Quick sidebar
: I asked cadence and mitch what they wanted to be when they grew up. Cadence said a teacher. Mitch replied "A professional slushy eater and farter" They say the coolest things!

I packed up my new found limp and coerced my pissed off hamstrings into the car and drove home. I found my beautiful Christian man waiting for me on the driveway. He had a strange look I couldn't quite place. It was either pity(doubtful), relief (it took me so long to run 12 miles he possibly considered me missing) or curiosity of how I would get out of the car. He cocked his head to the side and gave a half smirk then helped me up the stairs. What a great guy. Maybe he can take up cycling...

SO that was monday. Now its sunday and I'm wondering when the athlete thing kicks in. Cause tonight I don't feel like an athlete. I HAD to run 4 miles tonight and its the LAST thing I wanted. So I said to myself "ITS NOT AN OPTION". That's what I say at 11 at night, and on days after insomnia and on nights like tonight. Because 3 1/2 months from now I have to run a marathon. In retrospect I should have spoken my mantra earlier when I was ingesting onion dip, fajitas, pie and a margarita. Wow, definitely not a pre-run dinner. More like a friday night binge in college. Loaded with worthless nutrients I walked the 4 miles. 1 in the rain and the other 3 on the treadmill. And although tonight I'm going to bed with a belly full of frat boy food... tomorrow I'm waking up an athlete!

1 comment:

  1. I simply love you. I am living your life too through this wonderful blog. And I am still laughing at Mitch's ambition. I love him.
