Tuesday, June 22, 2010

dinner of champions

Just made hamburger wraps for dinner. I was too hungry and ingested the whole thing. Chased it with some nachos but resisted the screwdriver to wash them nachos down. So...heavy laden with cholesterol I am eyeing my running shorts and they are mocking me. Needless to say I haven't exactly got the athlete diet down yet. Thought about how I read a blog about this runner who ate sprouted wheat sandwiches and drank yard clippings pulverized in a blender. Didn't think about it too long however cause my thoughts clicked over to the idea that sprinkling powdered sugar over popcorn may actually work as a quick fix for kettle corn. Anyway...Enough! I gotta put on my spandex so I can come home, prop my feet up...crochet and watch the blind side...oh and maybe mix up that screwdriver to rehydrate :)

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