Saturday, May 15, 2010

I have a confession to make. I'm blogging with my pants unsnapped. If this wasn't a family friendly blog you should be worried but don't be. Its because I went on a cruise this week. The food was amazing and i didn't get too crazy. I did get a chance to run 2 and 1/2 times. The 1/2 time was a unsuccessful attempt at the treadmill. Its hard to stay on a moving belt when there are 7-12 foot waves. That accompanied with a sugar coma from being overserved by the pastry chef.
So after a day of rest I tried running on the Lido deck. I was the only one out on the frickin lido deck. Everyone else was on the daquiri deck. But because I was on the daquiri deck the day the Lido deck I went. The sign said 3 times around the ship was a mile. Whats with the fricken math. CANT SOMETHING JUST BE A FRIGGIN MILE! What the sign didn't tell me about the 1 1/2 flights of steps that propelled me onto the 8th deck (balconies and rich people) then back to the Lido (down another flight) to complete a trip around. With 12 laps I was getting desperate, bored and having trouble remembering which lap I was on. So I started a mantra. "Lap 4 only 8 more" "Lap 5 gotta stay alive" "Lap 6, nothing ryhmes with 6" "lap 7 gonna get to heaven" "Lap 8 don't i just feel great" "Lap 9 having a great time" "Lap 10 almost to the end" Laps 11 and 12 were a mixture of explatives (again...not appropriate for a family blog)and praises. With that hour complete I accompanied my very angry achilles tendons to the bar where I met my favorite bartender arthur. Also in cahoots with the pastry chef. This my friends is why I am blogging unsnapped and reclined.
One of my favorite moments was when I called Mitch and was telling him about the big waves that kept me up the night before. He said "did you get your blankets wet?" He is sooo cool. I came home to bethany who had in 5 days mastered 50 new words and my precious Cadence and Mitch that were impressively more brilliant then I had left them. My home also looked amazing. The ubloggable husband had scoured and cleaned the frige and replaced my cracked windshield. Its weird to move the milk carton over and not have it stuck to the shelf with teriyaki sauce. Things just glide over...such a weird concept.
Today I'm kinda going thru cruise withdrawl. When I opened the fridge in my cruise room there was a dobosh torte and fresh ice water. My meals were 5 courses and 5x a day. My room was cleaned twice a day, my covers turned down and chocolate left on my pillow. I had a waiter put my napkin on my lap for me and ordered room service at 130 a.m. What the cruise didn't have however, was gorgeous, sticky-fingered children; Husbands who roll their eyes at you, dogs who roll in poop and elastic pants. So goodbye to my wait staff, pastry chef and bartender and hello to my life. (pictures to arrive when I can figure it out)

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