Saturday, May 8, 2010

just a little chubby

I was feeling lighter, for the first time in a long time. Maybe its because i had a spring in my step...aka a limp...after completing 8.5 miles. It was so cool. 8.5 miles. REALLY. 2 hours later I felt quite the accomplishment. At about mile 6 I was praying that my watch was incorrect and we were nearing our destination. I was wrong. It was a little past nausea and right around the corner from a close call at losing bowel control. There it was...the end and once I reached it I just crawled in my car and headed home. Snacking on pretzel thins which is an oxymoron because it is a snack that does not make you thin. Which segues me into my next topic. Thin.
On tues a patient told me I looked thinner. I was so elated as I was hoping some of this running had paid off. My elation decreased a little when I pointed out to myself that she was 86 years old and had glaucoma. So if anyone is keeping track I have now been complimented by the handicapped and blind. I'll take it. The kicker is a comment my sweet 5 year old said this evening. He had decided to propel himself over my prone body as I lay on the living room floor. Exasperated after making the jump he proclaimed. "Since you are a just little bit chubby it was harder than I though to make that jump". Oh...from the mouths of babes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am laughing and laughing. That was wonderful. I'm proud of you!
