Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6.4 miles to be exact.

So sunday I actually ran 6 miles...6.4 to be exact. after 5 miles (which is the most I'd completed since then) I got excited. The first mile I was required to do hard math. You see I ran at a lake park. The sign said "lake Loop .8 miles". Keeeraaap. I had to do math? I didn't sign up for the marathon to do math. So i tried calculating how many laps equalled 6 miles. Ok, everyone who is judging me...try it yourself. I'm waiting. Anyway after a couple conversions, carrying the 1 and taking a square root or two I arrived at 8 laps being a little over 6 miles. 6.4 but who really cares right. The coolest thing that happened was on the start of the 8th lap and 1 hour and 10 minutes in, a lady said "you've passed me like 3 times". What? Me? Maybe she was in a wheelchair but whatever...I still passed her 3x. I was expecting some delayed onset muscle soreness on monday. Instead I got the flu which brings me to the chaos portion.
Chaos: Flu's suck. But the cool thing about this 24 hour bout of the flu is that it happened on Jasons day off (whoops...he said I couldn't talk about him in this blog) Anyway...that dude I live with who has sired my children was not working that day. I don't think my kids have ever gotten sick on a day that he wasn't working. It was awesome! If I was to mention him I'd have to say that he rocked this flu thing. Since he was the only one not incapacitated he was amazing and I actually slept the entire day. the one time I tried to help cadence hurl she got mad at me because I messed up the puking process. You see you have to wipe your mouth first and then gargle. Oh...sorry. I pulled my lifeless body of the tile to hold your hair back and you're mad at me because I got the vomitting order wrong? Niiiice.
Another amazing blessing from God was that no kids were up last night hurling. If flu's could be like a vacation this was it. Calling in sick (and really being so) and having the man that shall remain nameless, home. Good stuff.
Ok...I'm excited to post my first pictures on the blog. I'm plugged in and am trying to forget that the last time I tried to do this I somehow downloaded 768 pictures and crashed a certain persons computer. But, this is my computer so those horrible things won't happen. 2 hours have now passed since i wrote the above line....i still haven't figured out how to do it. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

1 comment:

  1. Karen Michelle, Oh how I wish I could help you upload. I WANT TO SEEEEEEEE!!!!! Anyway, Lovin your blog. I can clearly hear your voice as I read, and I love it. I can't believe you run like that. You are my hero.
