Wednesday, October 6, 2010

fresh starts of the personel, the personal and a promise

So Fresh starts! I have had a bunch lately....Let me explain

I ended the previous blog entry with my "come to Jesus" meeting with Al Bundy at the shoe store. Yes, Al...I know I'm fat, Yes Al...That is probably why I want to cut my legs off at mile 3...No Al, I don't want you to be my personal trainer...

That was Al...But then I met KELSEY!
You see it was the night before my 26.2 final Long run. It was also girls night which means I was geared up for adventure and an atm card promising my paycheck would clear by midnight. So off we went to Road Runner sports in Kent. We would arrive 5 minutes before it closed so I called and pleaded they pull my shoes for me and I would just pay for them when I arrived. Why new shoes...WHY? I know...we've been through this...(with al's help) but I just couldn't believe that my new (new) shoes weren't partially to blame for my pain at mile 3 last time.
So, Kelsey was there and I tried on said shoes. KEEERAAAP! They rubbed on the same place as the last pair did that I tried in Colorado! I thought maybe it was a fluke and that the new ones wouldn't rub...but no. How bout a size up? Fluffernutter! even a 10 1/2 was uncomfortable. Now the store has officially closed and Kelsey cautiously offered, "would you like me to pull some others 4 you". Poor 18 year old Kelsey did not know she was offering crack to a shoe whore. "If you wouldn't mind?" I sweetly replied. Her coworker sighed, locked us in the store and went to dump the garbage in the back. Kelsey pulled a 4 pairs, No luck. Finally she said "have you ever tried a stability-plus shoe?" Why no, I had never heard of them. 4 months of research, 6 sports stores and countless books had ne'er mentioned stability plus shoes! So she returned with Saucony Hurricanes. I Put em on, ran 20 feet and felt great. 150$ later (20 $ off with coupon-whoo hoo)and I was off. I thanked Kelsey profusely and headed to carbo load at Momma Stortinni's with hope and trepidation. The physical therapist in me knew better than to break in new shoes on a 26 mile run...The psycho shoe whore however was hopeful that this investment, now clutched to her bosom, would prove to be the perfect shoe.

And did it EVER! Yes I wanted to cut my legs off, but at mile 14 I did a check of my limbs. Achilles pain? NO. R hip pain, Negative! L knee pain? Absolutely NOT! Seriously...This was no runners high, this was a shoppers high. It was a purchase to be savored. I LOVE KELSEY and have called and emailed her manager in appreciation. Just for the record, I did hurt. But both my legs felt equally tortured as if an invisible vice was slowly asphyxiating them from all hope of ending this insanity. The hunger and whole body numbness started about 23 miles and I giddily glided to a stop at 26.2 miles. I hadn't looked down at my watch the entire run. I wanted to run it without time constraints or added pressure. I hooted and hollered at the 2:30 I saw on my watch. For 10 seconds or so I thought I had morphed into a Nigerian and ran the dang thing in 2 hours and 30 minutes. I embarrassed myself as I yelled to my running partner..." 2 hours and 30 minutes!?" How did we do that? She sweetly said, "Its 2:30 in the afternoon...we started at 8 am" Oh... 6 1/2 hours. That sounded more like the 37 year old-overweight-Norwegian mommy who was hallucinating in her kick-ass shoes.

We talked about the fresh start of personnel (kelsey vs. al bundy), now on to the "personal" Yep...talkin about running commando. So, maybe this isn't the place to talk about running underwear or lack there-of. I think this is something runners just don't talk about...But I don't think they wear underwear. Early in this process I learned that certain unmentionables can cause a vivisection of sorts, kinda like dissecting your pelvis in half by way of wedgie. Wanting to avoid a "wedgie removal" maneuver every 1/2 mile in front of 10,000 people I have tried other options.
Since I "stalk" I mean "pirooze" a handful of running stores, I've noticed an obvious lack of running "under apparel". Next time, take note...there is very few running skivvies to be found. I happened upon this accidentally as I hadn't done laundry in 2 weeks. Usually, I break into my hubby's underwear cause He actually does his (and the childrens) laundry. To be honest, its just plain fun to wear men's underwear...there is just way more room... Anyhoo. So, I realized that "less is more" on these long runs and in most running apparel there are built in "hammock" like things. Breathable, Cotton...TMI I know :)

Now for the promise. Being the Silly Rabbit that I am, I made a pseudo promise of "159 at the finish line". Um....NO. The new mantra is "tequila and lime at the finish line". The man who's underwear I am wearing (that I shalleth not mention) actually rolled his eyes when I inquired if there were plugs for my blender at the finish line. I am joking...kind of. I have stayed true to my no alcohol promise and am looking forward to a celebratory margarita that will hopefully not spill on my perfect shoes.

I had a cool moment on the treadmill last night. I had to drag my lifeless, exhausted body onto it to complete 7 miles. At midnight I hit 100 minutes and the darn thing shut off! How cool is that~ I walked on the treadmill till the treadmill defaulted. In a cathartic reverence I re-started it to complete the last 5 minutes. (see the fresh start theme?)

So, in light of my treadmill moment I come to my Lord exhausted, defaulted and ready for a fresh start. Finally, and beautifully God wraps up this week with his perfect revelation, That he has been and will always be ALL I NEED. The marathon idea started out as time for me to pray for 26 families I love. To learn 26 random scriptures with the chapter and vs. being 26:2 or 10:10 or that involved the theme of running. He has been the alpha and omega of this process. He's the reason I started it, the reason I've endured the midnight treadmill sessions and the reason I'll cross that finish line in 5 days. In this process He provided a real-life running partner who is gracious and kind. She never slanders, always encourages and gives me Ibuprofen at mile 6 because she remembered. She has band aids to heal blisters and words to heal my heart. She has taught me that its possible for one to propel your body for 6 1/2 hours without gossiping, while praying for others and thanking God for his beauty. She has been an inspiration and a mentor. However, she is flawed, as foolishly she asked if I was up to climbing mount rainier with her next year. This may have caused me to swear accidentally at small group. Thank goodness what is said at small group stays at small group!
In all seriousness, I have visualized crossing this finish line for 8 months now. As I was entertaining my insomnia I realized that I'm not really crossing a finish line. Because I don't want to go back to that girl 8 months ago. I don't want to rely on the things that brought me comfort, The idols that took me away from my time with God, the things that divided my attention. I'm a marathoner now, I've learned how to listen to the ring of my childrens voices when they speak because I've turned off the t.v. I've learned that 10 minutes of hanging with them can fuel 2 hours on the treadmill. I've learned that prayer truly changes things. I've seen life change in the family's I've prayed for. People have jobs that didn't, A friends brother is finally open to hearing about the Hope of the Lord while dying of Cancer. Another friend is braving an incomprehensible journey of Grief with grace and authenticity.
Personally I have been blessed with a stronger marriage,a slower heart rate and a whole lot of gratitude. At the beginning I had prayed for one thing, that the Lord would protect us from injury. He has done that, even to the point of protecting my entire family from a 5 car accident that by all means should have been tragic. After the screeching brakes halted, we all rolled down our windows and a lady said "How is it that we all didn't hit?" I just thanked God and acknowledged his angels at work. I pictured them with their hands extended in protection. God cares about it all, He is faithful in it all. I have never ran in extreme heat or pouring down rain. HE has been so faithful with even the littlest things.
How can I ever grumble, How can I ever doubt? Why would I ever return to idols that drew my attention away from my family, from my focus and from My God. Running toward God has helped that. It stripped away the reasons not to do something. It called out to say "Its not an option, Karen". So going back to that Karen 8 months ago is not the direction I'm going. I've got new shoes now, and a pretty cool path in which to travel.

"PSALM 26:2" Test me oh Lord, and try me...Examine my heart and my mind. For your love is ever before me. And I will walk continually in your truth"


  1. Did I ever mention that you are an AMAZING woman?!! I LOVE how I can hear you tell of these experiences. You have such a way of allowing your reader to witness the experiences you are describing. You have also been blessed with a way to inspire through your heart and complete open, honesty. While I am not yet inspired to run a marathon, God is using you to tug on my heart for other things He is convicting me of. I am totally blessed to be able to call you my friend. I love you!!! Thank you Lord for creating Karen and placing her in my life!!

  2. I totally agree 100% with the previous comment! Karen, what an incredible woman you are with insight like NO other. You have always had such a gift for truly hearing what God wants for you and for trusting him completely. Thank you for such a strong, strong example in my life. I love you.
